The company now has 17 offices in Germany, France and Finland

Kallinchen, 13 July 2021.
Energiequelle GmbH is on course for growth. The company, headquartered in Brandenburg, has added two new locations in Magdeburg and Wiesbaden to its local hubs, bringing its total number of offices across Europe to 17. Of these, 13 are in Germany, three in France and one in Finland.

In the Sirius Business Park Magdeburg, the company is pleased to have just under 390 m² at its disposal, featuring various office spaces and good infrastructure. The office in Wiesbaden is located directly at the main train station. The new locations are to be gradually expanded in order to acquire projects and drive forward the energy transition in Germany.

“In order to be able to implement projects successfully, it is important to have a personal local presence. That is why we have decided to open offices in Saxony-Anhalt and Hesse. We see great potential here for both wind and solar energy”, says owner Michael Raschemann on the reasons for setting up in these federal states.

The project developer, who has been active on the market since 1997, plans to continue its international growth as well: Market entry into further countries is scheduled to take place in the next few years. Currently, more than 300 employees work for Energiequelle.


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