In the future the eqJOURNAL will semi-annually inform about Energiequelle news.

Kallinchen, September 2018. This Monday the first issue of Energiequelle GmbH´s new customer magazine „eqJOURNAL“has been published. The 12-page brochure delivers insight on various activities and current developments of the company.

First issue
In the first issue Energiequelle informs about ongoing project developments in Finland, the companies activities in the field of environmental protection, to which projects the Energiequelle foundation will provide financial support and who managed to climb on the winner´s podium at the annual volleyball competition “Energiequelle meets friends”. Energiequelle´s business partner also contribute to the „eqJOURNAL“. For example, in the first issue Mr. Gerdes, the CEO of Quantec Sensors GmbH, has been interviewed to provide information on on-demand aviation light systems for wind energy projects.

Internal insights
„With our magazine we want to show what is happening within our company. Furthermore we want to comment on current topics and would like to give our employees as well as our business partner the chance to tell their opinion”, says Joachim Ücker, Managing Director of Energiequelle GmbH. “It is very important to us to keep a friendly and close relationship with our customers. The customer magazine is an instrument to pursue this objective”, Ücker answers to the question on why the magazine has been developed.

The magazine will be published twice a year. The editorial staff consists of Energiequelle employees from all different business areas. They decide on the topics of the magazine and provide the content. The magazine can be ordered via the Energiequelle homepage or can be downloaded as a pdf file in the info centre.


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