The Potsdam Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Potsdam Chamber of Trades and the “Netzwerk Zukunft” honour the commitment of the Brandenburg company to its collaboration with the Treuenbrietzen comprehensive school.

Kallinchen/Treuenbrietzen/Potsdam, January 2019. Energiequelle GmbH has been named “Company with excellent orientation to vocational training and higher education”. The company, which has been planning and operating renewable energy plants since 1997, was honoured at a ceremony held on 23 January in the Havelsaal of the Potsdam Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

The Treuenbrietzen comprehensive school nominated Energiequelle because of their long-term cooperation. Part of this collaboration is the support of the preparatory education in the field of renewable energies. This is done regularly in the form of project weeks, presentations in class on various energy topics as well as joint excursions to the green  EuroSpeedway Lausitz and the energy-self-sufficient village of Feldheim. An art competition was also held in Feldheim, at the time when the largest energy storage device in Europe to date was inaugurated there in 2015.

Doreen Raschemann, who is responsible for the cooperation on behalf of Energiequelle, proudly accepted the award: “Inspiring children and young people for the energy transition  at an early stage is very important to us.  We are delighted that our work is being acknowledged and that we were nominated by the Treuenbrietzen comprehensive school. Working with the pupils gives us great joy.”


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