The managing director of Energiequelle GmbH represented the renewable energy sector in discussion with Jörg Meuthen, the Federal spokesman for Alternative for Germany party.

Berlin, September 5, 2019. Michael Raschemann was a guest of Dunja Hayali yesterday on the ZDF channel talk show broadcast. In addition to Raschemann, the television program featured Jörg Meuthen, the federal spokesman for Alternative for Germany party (AfD), who commented on environmental, education and refugee policies. Michael Raschemann, whose company Energiequelle plans and operates power plants in the field of renewable energies throughout Europe, was invited to discuss the German energy transition with him.

“We cannot save the climate”, says Meuthen
The AfD calls for the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and the cessation of alternative energy subsidies. According to Meuthen, the impact of humans on climate change could not be proven. Raschemann replied that the human impact has been verifiably proven in various studies. Dunja Hayali confirmed this by saying that climate change is 99.94 % due to human activity. Meuthen disagreed stating that this was mostly “nonsense”. In addition, Meuthen did not accept the claim that renewable energies are inexhaustible and conserve natural resources. According to him, the base load capacity could never work solely with wind and solar. Raschemann’s calculations, on the other hand, were the opposite: if all German federal states provided 2% of their land area for wind energy, the rated output of installed capacity would be 200 gigawatts (GW). Germany’s current electricity demand is approximately 70 GW.

Raschemann commented on the discussion after the broadcast: “It was alarming to hear what Meuthen had to say about the climate point of view of his party. I am glad that I have been given the opportunity to argue for the continuation and necessity of the German energy transition – of course also in hope that the AfD’s electoral success does not continue in other federal states, especially taking into account the party’s irresponsible climate policy.”

Watch the entire television broadcast in the media library of ZDF channel (in German):


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