The international project developer and operator connected wind farms with a capacity of 120 MW to the grid in 2023 and generated a turnover of 247 million euros


Kallinchen/Germany, 29 May 2024. Energiequelle GmbH has closed the 2023 financial year with a turnover of almost 247 million euros. The internationally active company, which recorded sales of 213 million euros in the previous year, thus achieved an increase of 16 percent. The figures are based on the construction of a transformer station and 22 wind turbines in Germany and Finland. The total output of the wind farms amounts to 120 MW and 31 MVA of transformer station capacity.

The company has also made gains in operational management. Contracts with a total output of 119 MW were won in tenders. Energiequelle currently manages more than 850 wind, solar and biogas plants with a total output of 1,760 MW, which produce around 2.9 billion kilowatt hours (kWh). This total amount corresponds to the consumption of over 960,000 households.

International growth
As in previous years, 2023 was characterized by strong growth. For example, 140 new employees were hired worldwide and offices were opened in Berlin, Münster, Stuttgart, Kiel (Germany) and Vaasa (Finland). Energiequelle also entered two new national markets. In South Africa, a subsidiary was founded in Cape Town and in Greece, the establishment of a branch in Athens is currently being driven forward.

Awards and certifications
Energiequelle received a number of awards last year. As an employer, the company received both the Leading Employer Award and the Kununu “Top Company” seal, as well as the Certificate of Excellence from the Corporate Health Awards for outstanding company health management.

In terms of creditworthiness, Energiequelle received both the CrefoZert creditworthiness certificate and Deutsche Bank’s certificate of eligibility as a central bank. The successful year was rounded off by the certification of the control room in accordance with ISO 27001.

In 2024, 98 MW of wind and PV capacity is to be installed and two substations are to be connected to the grid. To achieve this goal, a further 100 skilled workers are to be hired. Energiequelle currently employs almost 600 people at 28 locations in six countries.


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