42 projects approved since 2016

Kallinchen, 1 June 2021.
Energiequelle GmbH established its foundation five years ago. Since then, 42 projects with a total amount of 524,000 euro have been approved. The foundation has supported non-profit institutions based in the project regions of Energiequelle GmbH, primarily sports and heritage associations, daycare centres, churches and fire brigades. Among other things, the funds were used for renovations or new buildings of sports halls and community houses, as well as for events and cultural programmes. A special project was the implementation of an e-mobility concept in the city of Treuenbrietzen.

The main purpose of the foundation is to enable people to participate locally and thus support acceptance of renewable energy projects. Doreen Raschemann and Marion Setzegefunden, the foundation’s Management Board, together with local committees, decide how the funding is awarded and select the projects. Non-profit associations and institutions in the project regions of Energiequelle GmbH can in principle submit applications to the foundation.

Doreen Raschemann, Chairman of the Management Board of the Energiequelle Foundation, is delighted with the positive response of the work so far: “The foundation enables us to create more regional added value in our projects. It is important to us that all those involved benefit from the energy transition, including financially. We make sure that this funding really reaches the ground.”

This year, a further EUR 60,000 will be distributed. Applications have been submitted for eight projects.


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